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Have an extensive breakfast with friends, family or colleagues at a table, in a separate area or in the entire restaurant.

Or combine our breakfast factory with a subsequent lunch, coffee or Sunday with Lunch & Sweet.

Monday to Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Sunday 7:00 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.

(followed by Lunch & Sweet)

We love breakfast!

Individual offers


What could be nicer than a celebration with family, friends or colleagues in the garden when the weather is nice. You don't have to worry about anything, just enjoy.

A la carte, a menu, barbecue evening or a reception

with finger food, wine, sparkling wine and cocktails.

May - September

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Celebrate in the garden

Have an extensive breakfast with friends, family or colleagues at a table, in a separate area or in the entire restaurant.

Or combine our breakfast factory with a subsequent lunch, coffee or Sunday with Lunch & Sweet.

Monday to Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Sunday 7:00 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.

(followed by Lunch & Sweet)

We love breakfast!


Enjoy the togetherness with an opulent lunch buffet that leaves nothing to be desired. Meat and fish lovers, vegetarians and those with a sweet tooth, we have thought of everyone.

From December 22nd, 2020

Every Sunday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Please reserve!

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FR. 04. DEZ. 2020

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with program


Raumgröße: 43qm
Stuhlreihen:  max. 45 Personen
U-Form:  max. 16 Personen 

mit Innentischen max. 20 Personen
Parlament: max. 24 Personen
Block:  max. 24 Personen


Besprechungsraum Villa 2

Raumgröße: 18qm
Block:  max. 8 Personen


Raumgröße:  48qm
Stuhlreihen: max. 48 Personen
U-Form: max. 20 Personen 

mit Innentischen max. 28 Personen
Parlament: max. 30 Personen
Block: max. 28 Personen


Besprechungsraum Villa 1

Raumgröße: 20qm
Block:  max. 12 Personen





Lunch & Sweet




Genießen Sie das Miteinander bei einem opulenten Mittagsbuffet,

dass keine Wünsche offen lässt.

Fleisch- und Fischliebhaber, Vegetarier und süße Schleckermäuler,

an jeden ist gedacht. 



Jeden Sonntag von 13 - 16 Uhr

Bitte reservieren Sie!

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Losing a loved one is difficult.

We take care of your physical well-being during this time.

Our packages **

Hot drinks, soup, cakes and canapés € 17.90 pp

Hot drinks, cakes and canapés € 15.90 pp

Hot drinks, soup, canapés € 14.90 pp

Hot drinks, soup, cake € 14.90 pp


Hot drinks, coffee, tea and cocoa

Soup consommé with filler, tomato soup etc.

Canapes filled and garnished rolls or bread with Italian ham, salami, salmon, homemade roast, cheese, etc.

Cake Butter cake, plum crumble, apple cake, cherry chocolate, cheesecake, poppy seed cake etc.


We take care of them!


Lunch & Dinner

A la carte or a shared menu. Show cooking at the table with little surprises.

A dinner for two or an individual buffet with 70 guests.

Matching decoration or a birthday cake.

We would be happy to advise you and respond to your wishes.

Monday - Friday 12 a.m. - 11 p.m.

Saturday 5pm - 11pm

(Kitchen until 10 p.m.)

Please make a reservation or make an appointment for a consultation.

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Celebrate in the garden



tolle Platten nach Ihren Wünschen belegt


das großzügiges Buffet für Firmen- und Privatfeiern,


was Feines aus unserer Patisserie für den Kaffee Tisch


oder die verzehrfertige Gans zu Weihnachten.....



Wir lieben es kreativ zu sein.



Gerne liefern wir an (gegen Aufpreis)

oder stellen es zur Abholung bereit.

Bitte achten Sie auf die Fristen für die Vorbestellung




Funeral Service

A special birthday experience in the afternoon.

A baby shower with the friends

Little princes and princesses who want to play adults.

Christmas party with tartlets and an atmospheric ambience.

Monday - Sunday. 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.

on pre-order

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Guess together

Table quiz with tapas buffet & cocktails

Be the jury together

Battle of the Chefs menu

Experience famous artists at

Food meets art

Enjoy a dinner like a poem at

A poem for dinner

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What could be nicer than a celebration with family, friends or colleagues in the garden when the weather is nice. You don't have to worry about anything, just enjoy.

A la carte, a menu, barbecue evening or a reception

with finger food, wine, sparkling wine and cocktails.

Events mit Programm


Raten Sie gemeinsam beim Table Quiz

Tablequiz mit Tapasbuffet & Cocktails


Seien Sie gemeinsam die Jury beim

Battle of the Chefs Menü


Erleben Sie berühmte Künstler beim

Food meets Art


Genießen Sie ein Dinner wie ein Gedicht beim

A Poem for Dinner



Alle weiteren Informationen und Tickets unter:


Losing a loved one is difficult.

We take care of your physical well-being during this time.

Our packages **

Hot drinks, soup, cakes and canapés € 17.90 pp

Hot drinks, cakes and canapés € 15.90 pp

Hot drinks, soup, canapés € 14.90 pp

Hot drinks, soup, cake € 14.90 pp


Hot drinks, coffee, tea and cocoa

Soup consommé with filler, tomato soup etc.

Canapes filled and garnished rolls or bread with Italian ham, salami, salmon, homemade roast, cheese, etc.

Cake Butter cake, plum crumble, apple cake, cherry chocolate, cheesecake, poppy seed cake etc.



Celebrate in the garden

What could be nicer than a celebration with family, friends or colleagues in the garden when the weather is nice. You don't have to worry about anything, just enjoy.

A la carte, a menu, barbecue evening or a reception

with finger food, wine, sparkling wine and cocktails.


Darf es ein Stück echte Honigwabe sein?

Hausgemachte Creme de Karamell?

Verschiedenste Sorten Zucker aus eigener Herstellung? 

oder möchten Sie den Tee, der Ihnen bei uns so gut geschmeckt hat auch zu Hause genießen?

Kein Problem, schauen Sie einfach in unserem Onlineshop vorbei.

Hier gibt es alle Produkte auch als Geschenkoption.



Losing a loved one is difficult.

We take care of your physical well-being during this time.

Our packages **

Hot drinks, soup, cakes and canapés € 17.90 pp

Hot drinks, cakes and canapés € 15.90 pp

Hot drinks, soup, canapés € 14.90 pp

Hot drinks, soup, cake € 14.90 pp


Hot drinks, coffee, tea and cocoa

Soup consommé with filler, tomato soup etc.

Canapes filled and garnished rolls or bread with Italian ham, salami, salmon, homemade roast, cheese, etc.

Cake Butter cake, plum crumble, apple cake, cherry chocolate, cheesecake, poppy seed cake etc.


Wohnen im Hotel Wegner

Ob in unserem Haupthaus, in der Villa 1 oder in der Villa 2, wir bieten neben Businesszimmer auch gemütliche Appartements für die ganze Familie.

Kinder, Hunde & andere Haustiere sind bei uns ebenfalls Herzlich Willkommen!!

Fragen Sie nach Ihrem individuellen Angebot.

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We're air conditioned.


We're air conditioned.

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